Is there any DOS function to execute string, containing's line? I need something like C's system()
, but for DOS and FASM.
I've previously used code like this to execute DOS shell commands. It's for nasm, but you might be able to adapt it for your purposes. This code specifically executes our own command line tail as a DOS command, but you can patch in some other command line tail if you want to execute a different command.
section .data
comspec db "COMSPEC=" ; for finding COMSPEC in the env block
comlen equ $-comspec
command db "COMMAND.COM",0
; EXEC parameter block
execpar dw 0 ; environment for child (use ours)
dw 80h, 0h ; command tail (use ours)
dw 5Ch, 0h ; first FCB (use ours)
dw 6Ch, 0h ; second FCB (use ours)
section .text
; execute DOS command
mov bx, execpar ; EXEC parameter block
mov [bx+4], cs ; fix up segment for command tail
mov [bx+8], cs ; fix up segment for first FCB
mov [bx+12], cs ; fix up segment for second FCB
call fndcom ; write pointer to COMSPEC value to DS:SI
mov dx, si
int 21h
jnc .ok ; error occured?
push ax ; remember error code
call fndcom ; find COMSPEC value anew
pop ax ; restore error code
call perror ; print error message
.ok: push cs ; restore ds
pop ds
; find COMSPEC in the environment block
; and load pointer to it to DS:SI
; preserves bx
fndcom: mov ds, [2Ch] ; environment block
xor si, si ; beginning of env block
; loop invariant: si points to the beginning of
; a string in the environment
.loop1: cmp byte [si], 0 ; end of environment reached?
je .nope
mov di, comspec ; find "COMSPEC="
mov cx, comlen ;
repe cmpsb ; compare strings
je .found ; if found, we are done
dec si ; go back to mismatched character
.loop2: lodsb ; search si for end of string
test al, al ; end of string reached?
jne .loop2 ; nope
jmp .loop1 ; check next string in environment
; COMSPEC unset
.nope: push cs
pop ds ; restore ds
mov si, command ; "COMMAND.COM"
; COMSPEC found
.found: ret
The basic idea is to find the name of the command interpreter by searching for a variable named COMSPEC
in the environment block. If none is found, we default to COMMAND.COM
. Then, we build an exec parameter block with useful details for the program we would like to execute, including the command line. This is where you need to put the shell command to be executed (in the format of a command line tail). Finally, we invoke DOS function 4b00: execute program to execute the command interpreter, running our command.