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error in cdfCompare, object 'discrete' not found

I was plotting 2 cumulative distribution for 2 columns of data in a dataframe. my code is:

cdfCompare(Ratio1,Ratio2 discrete = FALSE, 
           prob.method = ifelse(discrete, "emp.probs", "plot.pos"), plot.pos.con = NULL, 
           distribution = "norm", param.list = NULL, 
           estimate.params = is.null(param.list), est.arg.list = NULL, 
           x.col = "blue", y.or.fitted.col = "black", 
           x.lwd = 3 * par("cex"), y.or.fitted.lwd = 3 * par("cex"), 
           x.lty = 1, y.or.fitted.lty = 2, digits = .Options$digits, 
           type = ifelse(discrete, "s", "l"), main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, 
           xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL)

When I ran this code an error was generated:

Error in ifelse(discrete, "emp.probs", "plot.pos") : 
  object 'discrete' not found

When I use a shorter code:

cdfCompare(Ratio1,Ratio2 discrete = FALSE) 

There is no error. I also tried to set


, it looks it does not affect the shape of the plotting (not smooth, I have ~170,000 values). Thank you very much.enter image description here


  • You can define a separate variable to pass discrete value and use if/else to select prob.method.

    discrete_value <- FALSE
    cdfCompare(Ratio1,Ratio2 discrete = discrete_value, 
               prob.method = if(discrete_value) "emp.probs" else "plot.pos", plot.pos.con = NULL, 
               distribution = "norm", param.list = NULL, 
               estimate.params = is.null(param.list), est.arg.list = NULL, 
               x.col = "blue", y.or.fitted.col = "black", 
               x.lwd = 3 * par("cex"), y.or.fitted.lwd = 3 * par("cex"), 
               x.lty = 1, y.or.fitted.lty = 2, digits = .Options$digits, 
               type = ifelse(discrete, "s", "l"), main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, 
               xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL)