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Spring boot apps port mapping in docker container

In my application.yml file, I added the server port on 8080.

  port: 8080

Now in my Dockerfile, I am exposing port range 8080-8089. Here my goal is I will run this image on the different external and internal ports.

My Dockerfile is given bellow

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ARG JAR_FILE=build/libs/*.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} user-service.jar
EXPOSE 8000-8089

ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/user-service.jar"]

My docker image build command is given below:

docker image build -t user-service .

Now after building this image, my docker run command is given below:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080  -it user-service

Here, user-service is my docker image TAG. After this, I can access the app on 8080 port.

But the problem is when I run another container with port mapping -p 8081:8081, the application is running but won't access using port 8081.

My docker run command is:

docker run -d -p 8081:8081  -it user-service

Now my goal is I want to skip the application.yml server port with my external and internal port mapping in docker


  1. This is .jar deployment. For WAR deployment we can easily skip the application.yml server port by server's configuration.
  2. I will change the port from the docker image to run container. I don't have scope to modify the application.yml file or Dockerfile after docker build

Thanks in advance


  • Yes, finally I figured it out. For Spring boot embedded tomcat deployment, during running the container you have to set SERVER_PORT to override the application.yml server port property.

    docker run -d -e SERVER_PORT=8081 -p 8081:8081  -it user-service