Im currently trying C++ and building a databaseconnection with mysql c api from oracle. In first place it works fine.
If i query for a col like " select username [...] where id=1" I'll get my result:
But if i try "select * from..." I'll get:
1 //correct ID
t // only first letter.
Iam looking arround quite a bit, even here but cant figuer out ho to get the complete result:
As always: Thanks for your time and experience.
my Code:
#include "mysql.h"
sendToLog(_T("Abfrage Starten."));
MYSQL* m_pConn = ConnectToDatabase();
ASSERT(m_pConn != nullptr);
MYSQL_RES *m_pResultSet;
MYSQL_ROW m_mysqlRow;
mysql_query(m_pConn, "SELECT * FROM fplaner.user WHERE ll_UserID=1");
//Result speichern
m_pResultSet = mysql_store_result(m_pConn);
//Resultset durchgehen
ASSERT(m_pResultSet != nullptr);
int m_llResCount = mysql_num_fields(m_pResultSet);
if (m_llResCount == 0)
sendToLog(_T("ResultSet ist NICHT null aber Leer."));
while ((m_mysqlRow = mysql_fetch_row(m_pResultSet)))
for (int i = 0; i < m_llResCount; i++)
if (m_mysqlRow == NULL)
sendToLog(_T("Ungültiges ResultSet erhalten on COunt: "+i));
sendToLog(_T("Gültiges ResultSet erhalten."));
CString strTest(*m_mysqlRow[i]);
//CString strTest(*m_mysqlRow);--> gives correct name when query with select name
Probleme solved:
The resultset is an Char pointer on an pointer. By dereferencing it with * it will only provide the first char if the strong. So without it works fine:
Change "CString strTest(*m_mysqlRow[i]);" to "CString strTest(m_mysqlRow[i]);" .
and it will work as intended.