I am trying to sort the column "Size (kb)" in the following Listview. The "Size (kb)" column is getting sorted on basis of the text value which is not the intended result. I am getting correct results for all other columns
# Defining the listbox fo displaying the search results
$lvw_resultsListView = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListView -Property @{
View = [System.Windows.Forms.View]::Details
Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10, 40)
Width = 700
Height = 350
Scrollable = $true
MultiSelect = $true
Font = 'Arial,10'
AutoSize = $true
Sorting = "Ascending"
FullRowSelect = $true
GridLines = $True
Here is the code that adds columns to the Listview
# Adding Columns to List View
$lvw_resultsListView.columns.Add("Filename", 150) | Out-Null
$lvw_resultsListView.columns.Add("Path", 340) | Out-Null
$lvw_resultsListView.columns.Add("Size (kb)", 90) | Out-Null
$lvw_resultsListView.columns.Add("Created on", 70) | Out-Null
$lvw_resultsListView.columns.Add("Ext", 60) | Out-Null
Here is the code that adds values from a file object
# Clearing list view items
# Adding file information to the list bx by cycling through each file
foreach ($file in $global:files) {
$fileItem = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem( $file.BaseName)
$fileItem.Subitems.Add($file.FullName) | Out-Null
$fileItem.Subitems.Add($file.Length) | Out-Null
$tempCreationDate = $file.CreationTime | Get-Date -f "yyyy-MM-dd"
$fileItem.Subitems.Add($tempCreationDate) | Out-Null
$fileItem.Subitems.Add($file.Extension) | Out-Null
$lvw_resultsListView.Items.Add($fileItem) | Out-Null
And here is the sorting function that is called on column click
function SortListView {
[System.Windows.Forms.ListView] $senderPsItem,
$temp = $senderPsItem.Items | Foreach-Object { $_ }
$Script:SortingDescending = !$Script:SortingDescending
$senderPsItem.ShowGroups = $false
$senderPsItem.Sorting = 'none'
if($column.Text -eq "Size (kb)") {
$senderPsItem.Items.AddRange(($temp | Sort-Object -Descending:$script:SortingDescending -Property @{ Expression={ [int]$_.SubItems[$column].Text } }))
} else {
$senderPsItem.Items.AddRange(($temp | Sort-Object -Descending:$script:SortingDescending -Property @{ Expression={ $_.SubItems[$column].Text } }))
Here(snippet from the results form) is a sample result I am getting for the "Size (kb)" column
Here is the code calling sorting function
$lvw_resultsListView.Add_ColumnClick({SortListView $this $_.Column})
Could someone suggest a way to improve my sort function to properly sort the integer column. I tried converting the test to integer by using [int] method as may be seen from the sorting function? Thank you in advance!
The IF condition for checking the column "Size (kb)" was not correct. The column index was used to fix this.
if($column.Text -eq "Size (kb)")
if($column -eq 2)
I updated the sorting unction to correct the IF condition
function SortListView {
[System.Windows.Forms.ListView] $senderPsItem,
$temp = $senderPsItem.Items | Foreach-Object { $_ }
$Script:SortingDescending = !$Script:SortingDescending
$senderPsItem.ShowGroups = $false
$senderPsItem.Sorting = 'none'
Write-Host $column
if($column -eq 2) {
$senderPsItem.Items.AddRange(($temp | Sort-Object -Descending:$script:SortingDescending -Property @{ Expression={ [int]$_.SubItems[$column].Text } }))
} else {
$senderPsItem.Items.AddRange(($temp | Sort-Object -Descending:$script:SortingDescending -Property @{ Expression={ $_.SubItems[$column].Text } }))
This gives the correct results for the integer column.