I wanted to find an element by a specific text it contains. That worked well, but here is the problem. There are multiple elements, all with a specific text that Contains "EU" and a Number...
For example: "EU 40" or "EU 30". Now I want to replace the Number by an variable, so that I can decide what number the specific text should contain. Just let me show you my code:
real_size_btn = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//button[text()='EU 40']")
This code is working, but what does not work is this code:
size = input("size:")
real_size_btn = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//button[text()='EU "+size+"']")
Every time I run the second code it says: "no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//button[text()='EU 41']"}"
Hopefully somebody can solve this Problem, I would appreciate it a lot.
A little edit: This is the main element: EU 40
Above the main element is this element:
<input aria-describedby="pdp-buytools-low-inventory-messaging" id="skuAndSize__26126342" name="skuAndSize" type="radio" class="visually-hidden" value="26126342:7">
And under the main element are pretty much the same elements, but a little bit different because the other elements are other shoe sizes. For example this is an element of an other shoe size:
<label for="skuAndSize__26126330" tabindex="-1" class="css-xf3ahq">EU 39</label>
above this element is this:
<input aria-describedby="pdp-buytools-low-inventory-messaging" id="skuAndSize__26126330" name="skuAndSize" type="radio" class="visually-hidden" value="26126330:6.5">
Hope that helps.
Why don't you use f-strings?
some_number = "your number"
real_size_btn = browser.find_element_by_xpath(f"//button[text()='EU {some_number}']")
Furhermore, You can put your numbers to a list like this:
your_list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
and access them as your_list[0]
, your_list[1]
and so on.