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Python3 Request from API return Not Found

I am trying to get a balance from some address at a explorer on Python but I get 404 error and I believe that is related to a list.

This is my code:

import urllib.request, json, requests

listAddress = [
explorerUrl = ''
urlBase = '/api/tokens/Hj5mkJmDWKq8HAh9qDYLnbohZHw6kaUG3A/addresses/'
balance = '/balance'

for address in listAddress:
    urlGamb = explorerUrl+urlBase+address+balance
    json_data = urlGamb
    r =

The problem is that returns this error:

{'status': 404, 'url': '/api/tokens/Hj5mkJmDWKq8HAh9qDYLnbohZHw6kaUG3A/addresses/HiaRFZkLiWaUuu2x3Dxg2rAMu6BTrzoitf/balance', 'error': 'Not found'}

So, what am I doing wrong here?


  • Minor suggestion:

    urlGamb = f"{explorerUrl}{urlBase}{address}{balance}"

    I don't know about the API, you did not provide a link, but the value of urlGamb is '' and that is not JSON. The assignment to json_data seems like a conceptual error because the URL string is not json. If the post requires a JSON payload then the docs should tell you how to construct it.

    Should the post have been a get request instead? That would make sense because according to REST standards, post is for changing state on the server, and you are only making a query.