I have two IntegerUpDown Controls, and I need to compare in the MouseLeave_Event
, I used int.Parse
but when I tried this code I got an exception:
if (int.Parse(minUpdown.Text.ToString()) <
// do something
Input string was not in a correct format
I have searched in Stackoverflow for a solution to avoid this exception, I saw that the best solution is using int.TryParse
, but I don't know how can I use it in comparison instruction that returns boolean.
The scenario that should be applied is like this:
and the code that I have posted is mentioned in the event, so the integerUpdown
controls could be empties or can have a value, so if the user tries to enter a character ( not a number ) for example a
in the IntegerUpDown
and this IntegerUpDown
have an old value for example 3
, so when he moves the mouse outside the control, the IntegerUpDown
should take 3 instead of the character entered by the user without showing any message or any exception.Note: I wouldn't like to use minUpdown.Value in this case for some reason because the value that I got when the event is fired is the old value, not the value in real-time.
The answer for the first question 'How to use TryParse and compare the values' looks like this:
int.TryParse(minUpdown.Text?.ToString(), out var min);
int.TryParse(maxUpdown.Text?.ToString(), out var max);
if (min < max)
// do something
TryParse returns a boolean which tells if the try was performed with success or not.
Now, if you want your view to replace incorrect value with a last correct value you need to preserve it in some field and update if needed for example:
private int lastMinValue;
private int lastMaxValue;
private void IntegerUpdown_MouseLeave_Event(object source, EventArgs args)
// use last value as a default for min and max
int min = lastMinValue;
int max = lastMaxValue;
// try to update min and max
if (int.TryParse(minUpdown.Text?.ToString(), out min))
lastMinValue = min;
if (int.TryParse(maxUpdown.Text?.ToString(), out max))
lastMaxValue = max;
if (min < max)
// do something