I would like to generate a list of 50 words from the letters "a b c d"
. every word should have 5 characters. every word has to be different from the others in at least 2 positions (letters) using base R.
and results should be list of 50 words:
expand.grid function in R generate words with only 1 letter difference.
If you want to sample from a complete set of words, you can first construct such complete set as the first step (see X
in the code below), and then you can reuse it for multiple times by running sample(X, 50)
v <- do.call(paste0, expand.grid(rep(list(letters[1:4]), 5)))
X <- Reduce(
function(S, k) {
if (all(adist(k, S) >= 2)) {
S <- c(S, k)
}, v
res <- sample(X, 50)
Another option is using while
loop and keeping the set of selected words updated in each iteration
res <- paste0(sample(letters[1:4], 5, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
while (length(res) < 50) {
k <- paste0(sample(letters[1:4], 5, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
if (all(adist(k, res) >= 2)) {
res <- c(res, k)