I have a sheet that contains all orders from an eCommerce site. I made a new tab within that sheet to only bring the necessary columns to process orders (name, address, sku...).
The query is this: =QUERY(raw_data!A:GM, "select AY, AT, EX, EZ where FB contains 'Product's Name' and AT=''",0)
The issue is that when the ZIP code starts with 0 or a letter, it is not imported and its cell remains empty.
I believe the issue comes from the columns having multiple types of data (numbers, strings).
How can I solve this to bring all types of ZIP codes?
Thanks everyone!
Query does indeed have issues with mixed data types. One way to solve that is to convert everything to text..
=QUERY(INDEX(raw_data!A:GM&""), ..
As a consequence of that, you'll have to use numeric column references:
=QUERY(INDEX(raw_data!A:GM&""), "Select Col51, Col46 ..."
Hope that helps?