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Surrounding Events in KQL or Matching on Multiple Conditions

Coming from a ELK background, Kibana had some nice functionality where you could view surrounding events of any record you wished, i.e. view the 5 preceding and 5 proceeding events.

Does something like this exist in the Kusto Query Language?

Edit: I should also mention the requirement for this as I realise it might exist, but within a different form.

I'm looking to find several events that need to have all occurred during a specific time period, i.e. the previous 5 minutes.

Example; if EventID's 1, 2 and 3 show, I'm not interested. However, if 1, 2, 3 and 4 show (within X minutes of each other) then I would like my query to pick this up.

Any hints or tips are appreciated.


  • It seems that Time Window Join is what I needed -