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Specify Scope in Azure Storage Blob for REST requests while requesting token?

Can anyone confirm that to make a REST requestd to Azure storage we have to do these steps?

  1. Create an App Registration and get its client ID and client secret
  2. Goto API permissions -> Add permission -> Azure storage, add user_impersonation as API permission that would allow the Application to access the Storage account on behalf of the signed-in user.
  3. Goto Access control IAM -> Add role -> assign the given signed-in user (email) whichever role that you like.
  4. Next you can now access the token to make the request.

In this logic, one has to grant the read/write/complete-storage-account access to the Role in step 3 and then impersonate that behavior to App created.

But let's say that I want to grant these levels of access while the token request. Shown in fig: enter image description here

Can I do so? That I get these read/write/owner kind of different permissions while accessing the token. If not then how can I manage different access levels?

  • Should I use multiple users
  • Should I use multiple applications


  • You don't need multiple applications, but multiple users are needed, when you use the Delegated permission user_impersonation of Azure Storage API i.e. in the scope, the app will get all the permissions of the user in the storage account after user login. Besides, I notice you used, which just works for a specific storage account, make sure it meets your requirement.