I am new in R and coding world, pardon if i perhaps mispelled some or more jargon here (cmiiw).
I am facing a challenge to clean city name in a dataframe.
Tried to use GetCloseMatches
, strdist_inner_join
(with fuzzywuzzy i believe) with dplyr
style but still haven't meet my needs.
1st attempt:
vec3 = unlist(world.cities$name)
str1 = c('Jakarta Utara')
GetCloseMatches(string = str1, sequence_strings = vec3, n = 1L, cutoff = 0.6)
but it can only "translate" one of city each time, do you know how to make it repeat for all of the dataframe? for loop or function?
2nd attempt:
df2 <- df[1:10,] %>%
stringdist_left_join(world.cities, by = c(cust_city = "name"), max_dist = 1)
it shows most of the city but missing the "Jakarta Utara"
I am using two database/dataframe(cmiiw) of the city to be checked with (If you see the "Look Up" table on the right side, it has hundreds of city name, not only 6), first is SHP files that i fortified, second is world.cities$name, both are doing great but somehow it only appear one city at a time. ie: if i am using SHP files, Jakarta Utara is appear but Karawang is not, vice versa.
My Goal is to replace the left word to the right word (1 to 2)
left > right
Karawang - to Karawang
Jakarta Utara to Jakarta
Jakarta to Jakarta, etc
Do you know the most efficient way to do it?
Thank you very much for your helps!
if I understand your question right, you want to parse the City variable against a list of known City names and replace the longer City name with the version on the known City name list. Right? If yes, then hopefully this approach will work for you (no additional packages needed):
# replicate your example data 1
d <-data.frame("No"=c(1,2,3,4,5),"Name"=c("Alex","Bambang","Charlie","Delta","Emily"),"Qty"=c(10,5,15,10,5),"City"=c("Jakarta Barat","Jakarta","Nagoya Batam","Bintaro Tangerang Selatan","Tendean Jakarta Selatan 11750"))
# replicate your vector of known city names
city_list <- c("Jakarta","Bandung","Batam","Surabaya","Tangerang Selatan")
# making a new placeholder variable to store the matched city names.
d$City_fix <- NA
# use a for loop, ifelse(), and grepl() to go through the vector of known cities, and replace the city name when a match is found.
for (i in 1:length(city_list)){
d$City_fix <- ifelse(grepl(city_list[i], d$City), city_list[i], d$City_fix)
# view results
No Name Qty City City_fix
1 1 Alex 10 Jakarta Barat Jakarta
2 2 Bambang 5 Jakarta Jakarta
3 3 Charlie 15 Nagoya Batam Batam
4 4 Delta 10 Bintaro Tangerang Selatan Tangerang Selatan
5 5 Emily 5 Tendean Jakarta Selatan 11750 Jakarta
Using a vector of known cities will allow you to as many cities as you want for the loop. Just be wary if you have two cities that might share parts of the same city name, e.g. "Big City" and "New Big City".
If your City names in the source dataframe or the list of cities have different lower & upper cases, you'll want to get that fixed first (e.g. tolower()from base R or str_to_title() from the stringr package).
The solution above also requires the city names in the dataframe are spelled correctly. If you have spelling errors, e.g. Jakerta instead of Jakarta, then a more complex solution is needed.
(edited to include mention ability to have a long list of known city names)