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How to implement a function to select items only of specific types?


I have a Question class. It has three subclasses:

  • ChoiceQuestion
  • ShortTextQuestion
  • LongTextQuestion

I have a Repository class which has an IEnumerable<Question>.


Question class hierarchy and container class Repository:

class Question {}
class ChoiceQuestion : Question {}

class ShortTextQuestion : Question {}

class LongTextQuestion : Question {}

class Repository
    IEnumerable<Question> Questions { get; set; }


I want to pick few questions for a Questionnaire from these repositories.

I have an IQuestionnaireBuilder which has an AddSource() method that helps configure which repository to pick questions from and how to pick them. I have the QuestionnaireSource class which holds this configuration.

Currently, I am able to specify, which repository to pick from, how many questions to pick of each difficulty. I want to specify that it should only pick questions which are of specific subtypes.

For instance, the questions to be picked must be either ChoiceQuestion or ShortTextQuestion. I have come across System.Type, but I want to restrict the types such that they must derive from Question.



interface IQuestionnaireBuilder
    IQuestionnaireBuilder AddSource(Action<QuestionnaireSource> source);


class QuestionnaireSource
    public Repository Repository { get; set; }

    public IDictionary<QuestionDifficulty, int> { get; set; }
    // <Property/method to configure which subclasses to include, they must derive from Question>


enum QuestionDifficulty
{ Easy, Medium, Hard }
    IQuestionnaireBuilder builder = new QuestionnaireBuilder();
    Repository repo1 = someExternalProvider.GetRepo(1);
    Repository repo2 = someExternalProvider.GetRepo(2);
        .AddSource(source => {
            source.Repository = repo1;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Easy] = 10;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Medium] = 7;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Hard] =  3;
            source.PickOnlySpecificSubclassesOfQuestion() // how to implement this? 
       .AddSource(source => {
            source.Repository = repo2;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Easy] = 30;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Medium] = 15;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Hard] =  5;
            source.PickOnlySpecificSubclassesOfQuestion() // how to implement this? 

In the above snippet, how do I implement the PickOnlySpecificSubclassesOfQuestion() part?


  • This is how I've done it using delegates. I added a Filter property to QuestionnaireSource of type System.Predicate<T>. System.Predicate<T> is a delegate defined as follows:

    public delegate bool Predicate<in T>(T obj);

    You can also use Func<Question, bool> or your own delegate type.

    In my QuestionnaireSource class, I added the Filter property:

    class QuestionnaireSource
        public Repository Repository { get; set; }
        public IDictionary<QuestionDifficulty, int> { get; set; }
        public Predicate<Question> Filter { get; set; }

    Now I can pass a lambda expression such as the following:

    question => question is ChoiceQuestion

    Now I can filter more flexibly thanks to C#'s pattern matching with is. I can configure it as following using the AddSource() method of QuestionnaireBuilder when building my questionnaire:

        .AddSource(source => {
            source.Repository = repo1;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Easy] = 10;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Medium] = 7;
            source.Count[QuestionDifficulty.Hard] =  3;
            source.Filter = question => question is ChoiceQuestion  

    Now I can filter out or include multiple types:

    question => question is ChoiceQuestion || question is ShortTextQuestion

    Not only that, I can also filter using other criteria, such as the question text:

    question => question.Text.Trim().StartsWith("What");

    @benjamin's answer also works if you want to select just one subtype but this filter approach seems to be a bit more flexible if multiple types are to be selected or ignored.