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Logging from APIM to Event HUB seems not working properly

I've followed instructions in MS docs.

I've created an Event Hub namespace that hosts an hub called clicks-hub secured by a policy called ClicksLoggingPolicy with Send claim only.

Then I've added the logger to my APIM service using this URL:

with this payload:

    "properties": {
      "loggerType": "azureEventHub",
      "description": "Logger for click events",
      "credentials": {
        "name": "clicks-hub",
        "connectionString": "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=ClicksLoggingPolicy;SharedAccessKey=****************"

After sending the PUT request I got 201 created.

I've configured an APIM API with this POST operation. It follows the XML policy:

        <log-to-eventhub logger-id="clicksLogger">@( "LOGGING_FROM_AZURE_APIM" )</log-to-eventhub>
        <mock-response status-code="200" content-type="application/json" />
        <base />
        <base />
        <base />
        <base />

I triggered various requests using the APIM Test panel and I can see requests on Metrics: enter image description here

but nothing where when I quert the hub:


enter image description here

I tried to ingest some test data using this tool and I can see the messages.

Any idea about what I'm missing?

Thanks in advance to anyone who'll try to help.

Regards, Giacomo S. S.


  • It seems you can only query when the EventHub message is an object / is JSON:

    From this policy

            <log-to-eventhub logger-id="kai-logger">@( "LOGGING_FROM_AZURE_APIM1" )</log-to-eventhub>
            <log-to-eventhub logger-id="kai-logger">@( "{'message':'LOGGING_FROM_AZURE_APIM2'}" )</log-to-eventhub>
            <mock-response status-code="200" content-type="application/json" />
            <base />
            <base />
            <base />
            <base />

    only the messages with LOGGING_FROM_AZURE_APIM2 show in the query.

    enter image description here