I have 3 VC - VC1, VC2 & VC3
I'm creating an unwind segue where -
So, I've add Marker function in VC1 -
@IBAction func unwindToHomeViewController(_ sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {}
and in VC2 I've created two variable -
var userSelectedPlacesLatitude: Double = 0
var userSelectedPlacesLongitude: Double = 0
which will be updated in tableView -
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
self.userSelectedPlacesLatitude = suggestedPlacenames[indexPath.row].geometry.coordinates[1]
self.userSelectedPlacesLongitude = suggestedPlacenames[indexPath.row].geometry.coordinates[0]
print("In didSelectRowAt", userSelectedPlacesLatitude, userSelectedPlacesLongitude)
and then prepare for segue -
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let destinationVC = segue.destination as! VC1
print("In Segue preperation",userSelectedPlacesLatitude, userSelectedPlacesLongitude)
destinationVC.userSelectedPlacesLatitude = self.userSelectedPlacesLatitude
destinationVC.userSelectedPlacesLongitude = self.userSelectedPlacesLongitude
destinationVC.reloadWeatherDataStatus = true
But from print value I'm seeing that prepareforSegue is called earlier than didSelectRowAt. Hence I'm not getting expected value in prepareforsugue
In Segue preperation 0.0 0.0
In didSelectRowAt 49.3227937844972 31.3202829593814
Hence 0.0 0.0
is passing all the time to VC1. How can I fix this problem?
The problem you are experiencing results from having at the unwind segue linked directly from the table view cell in your storyboard. As soon as the user taps the row, the unwind segue fires. The didSelectRow(at:)
function is called after, but this is too late; You are already back in VC1.
While you can use prepareForSegue
to send data to VC1, a better approach is to use the sender
passed to unwindToHomeViewController
to let VC1 get the data from VC2.
This means that VC2 doesn't need to know anything about VC1. You can also get rid of the reloadWeatherDataStatus
property and simply reload the weather data status in the unwind function.
You should:
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
self.userSelectedPlacesLatitude = suggestedPlacenames[indexPath.row].geometry.coordinates[1]
self.userSelectedPlacesLongitude = suggestedPlacenames[indexPath.row].geometry.coordinates[0]
self.performSegue(withIdentifier:"unwindToVC1", sender: self)
Remove prepare(for segue: sender:)
from VC2
In VC1
@IBAction func unwindToHomeViewController(_ sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {
if let sourceVC = sender.source as? VC2 {
self.userSelectedPlacesLatitude = sourceVC.userSelectedPlacesLatitude
self.userSelectedPlacesLongitude = sourceVC.userSelectedPlacesLongitude
// Do whatever is required to reload the data based on the new location