What's the process for either preventing NGINX from responding to the Public IP, or to get it to redirect to somewhere else - like another URL.
I'm a little stumped as I can't seem to find much in the way of documentation anywhere for this situation. We're using cert-manager too.
Essentially a PEN Test has failed because the public IP is responding with an NGINX/ k8s self-signed cert. We don't want or need that!
It's possible to solve this; easy for HTTP and difficult for HTTPS. The main problem is to issue a certificate for an IP address, not any issuer does that (letsencrypt for example doesn't), so you have to find one or try whichever you use now.
To handle unknown hosts (like an IP address) you can create an ingress object without host
field in rules. This will make the created ingress work as 'default' or 'fallback' rule, thus it will be used when there is no better match by Host
header (any ingress with host
in rules).
To create an ingress object you need a service and here's how you can create a dummy service without endpoints:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: dummy-service
clusterIP: None
Next, the ingress for it:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: default-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress_class: nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
# Nginx will place this in server block
# You can redirect all requests somewhere:
return 301 https://example.com/;
# or just:
#return 403;
# This rule has no 'host' field and because of that
# NGINX won't include 'server_name' directive in
# vhost configuration. What this means is that this
# ingress rule will be used only if the request
# comes with 'Host' header for which there is no
# specific rule (IP-address for example).
- http:
- backend:
servicePort: 80
serviceName: dummy-service
At this point you've got redirect (or 403) working for HTTP and HTTPS, although the latter with a dummy certificate. If you managed to issue a certificate for your IP addresses and save it as a secret, the next thing is to make NGINX to use it instead of its default dummy certificate. For that you need to modify ingress controller deployment by adding --default-ssl-certificate
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: ingress-nginx-controller
- name: controller
- /nginx-ingress-controller
# use 'namespace/secret_name' as the value for the argument
- --default-ssl-certificate=default/ip-cert-secret
Now NGINX will respond to IP addresses with a valid certificate.
Bonus: if you have a cert-manager Issuer
or ClusterIssuer
that can issue a certificate for IP address (like self-signed one), you can request a certificate with the following manifest:
#apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1beta1
kind: Certificate
name: ip-cert
secretName: ip-cert-secret
duration: 2160h # 90d
renewBefore: 360h # 15d
isCA: false
algorithm: RSA
encoding: PKCS1
size: 2048
- server auth
- client auth
commonName: Dummy
- # fill the list
name: # insert issuer name
kind: # Issuer or ClusterIssuer
group: cert-manager.io