I am writing a raycaster, and I am trying to speed it up by making lookup tables for my most commonly called trig functions, namely sin
, cos
, and tan
. This first snippet is my table lookup code. In order to avoid making a lookup table for each, I am just making one sin
table, and defining cos(x)
as sin(half_pi - x)
and tan(x)
as sin(x) / cos(x)
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const float two_pi = M_PI * 2, half_pi = M_PI / 2;
typedef struct {
int fn_type, num_vals;
double* vals, step;
} TrigTable;
static TrigTable sin_table;
TrigTable init_trig_table(const int fn_type, const int num_vals) {
double (*trig_fn) (double), period;
switch (fn_type) {
case 0: trig_fn = sin, period = two_pi; break;
case 1: trig_fn = cos, period = two_pi; break;
case 2: trig_fn = tan, period = M_PI; break;
TrigTable table = {fn_type, num_vals,
calloc(num_vals, sizeof(double)), period / num_vals};
for (double x = 0; x < period; x += table.step)
table.vals[(int) round(x / table.step)] = trig_fn(x);
return table;
double _lookup(const TrigTable table, const double x) {
return table.vals[(int) round(x / table.step)];
double lookup_sin(double x) {
const double orig_x = x;
if (x < 0) x = -x;
if (x > two_pi) x = fmod(x, two_pi);
const double result = _lookup(sin_table, x);
return orig_x < 0 ? -result : result;
double lookup_cos(double x) {
return lookup_sin(half_pi - x);
double lookup_tan(double x) {
return lookup_sin(x) / lookup_cos(x);
Here is how I went about benchmarking my code: my function for the current time in milliseconds is from here. The problem arises here: when timing my lookup_sin
vs math.h
's sin
, my variant takes around three times longer: Table time vs default: 328 ms, 108 ms
Here is the timing for cos
Table time vs default: 332 ms, 109 ms
Here is the timing for tan
Table time vs default: 715 ms, 153 ms
What makes my code so much slower? I would think that precomputing sin
values would greatly accelerate my code. Perhaps it's the fmod
in the lookup_sin
function? Please provide whatever insight that you have. I am compiling with clang
with no optimizations enabled, so that the calls to each trig function are not removed (I am ignoring the return value).
const int64_t millis() {
struct timespec now;
timespec_get(&now, TIME_UTC);
return ((int64_t) now.tv_sec) * 1000 + ((int64_t) now.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
const int64_t benchmark(double (*trig_fn) (double)) {
const int64_t before = millis();
for (double i = 0; i < 10000; i += 0.001)
return millis() - before;
int main() {
sin_table = init_trig_table(0, 15000);
const int64_t table_time = benchmark(lookup_sin), default_time = benchmark(sin);
printf("Table time vs default: %lld ms, %lld ms\n", table_time, default_time);
Reduce the floating point math.
OP's code is doing excessive FP math in what should be a scale and lookup.
Scale the radians per a pre-computed factor into an index.
The number of entries in the lookup table should be an unsigned
power-of-2 so the mod is a simple &
At first, let us simplify and have [0 ... 2*pi) map to indexes [0 ... number_of_entries) to demo the idea.
double lookup_sin_alt(double x) {
long scaled_x = lround(x * scale_factor); // This should be the _only_ line of FP code
// All following code is integer code.
scaled_x += number_of_entries/4 ; // If we are doing cosine
unsigned index = scaled_x & (number_of_entries - 1); // This & replaces fmod
double result = table.vals[index];
return result;
Later we can use a quarter size table [0 ... pi/2] and steer selection/reconstruction with integer operations.
Given OP's
low precision requirements, consider using float
instead of double
throughout including float
functions like lroundf()