I was experimenting with tkinter module and wanted to spawn 2 witches going down. So I checked some documentation about threading in python and implemented it. I was surprised by the fact that it was pretty laggy for such a simple program.
Any suggestions why? What I did wrong? Have I missed anything important?
import tkinter
from threading import Thread
from random import randint
canvas = tkinter.Canvas(width=1000,height=500)
class Witch:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.tag = "witch-%d" % id(self)
self.tags = ("witch", self.tag)
self.draw_witch(self.x, self.y)
def draw_witch(self, x, y):
canvas.create_oval(x,y-20,x+20,y, tags=self.tags)
canvas.create_rectangle(x,y,x+20,y+40, tags=self.tags)
canvas.create_line(x+40,y+20,x-20,y+20, tags=self.tags)
for i in range(-4,4):
canvas.create_line(x-40,y+20+i*5,x-20,y+20, tags=self.tags)
def move(self, speed):
canvas.move(self.tag, speed, speed)
def landing(x, y):
entity = Witch(x, y)
speed = randint(1,10)
while canvas.coords(entity.tag)[2]+40 < 1000 and canvas.coords(entity.tag)[3]+40 < 500:
for _ in range(2):
t = Thread(target=landing, args=(randint(50, 400), randint(50, 200)))
Dont use threading if there is no process that would requier it. The after method works just fine.
import tkinter
from random import randint
canvas = tkinter.Canvas(width=1000,height=500)
class Witch:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.tag = "witch-%d" % id(self)
self.tags = ("witch", self.tag)
self.draw_witch(self.x, self.y)
def draw_witch(self, x, y):
canvas.create_oval(x,y-20,x+20,y, tags=self.tags)
canvas.create_rectangle(x,y,x+20,y+40, tags=self.tags)
canvas.create_line(x+40,y+20,x-20,y+20, tags=self.tags)
for i in range(-4,4):
canvas.create_line(x-40,y+20+i*5,x-20,y+20, tags=self.tags)
def move(self, speed):
canvas.move(self.tag, speed, speed)
def landing(x, y):
entity = Witch(x, y)
speed = randint(1,10)
def animate(entity,speed):
if canvas.coords(entity.tag)[2]+40 < 1000 and canvas.coords(entity.tag)[3]+40 < 500:
landing(randint(50, 400), randint(50, 200))
landing(randint(50, 400), randint(50, 200))