I'm using a 3rd party library that passes function pointers to a method call.
class RTSPClient{
typedef void (responseHandler)(RTSPClient* rtspClient,
int resultCode, char* resultString);
unsigned sendOptionsCommand(responseHandler* responseHandler,
Authenticator* authenticator = NULL);
Normal usage looks as follows:
void continueAfterOPTIONS(RTSPClient* client,
int resultCode, char* resultString);
RTSPClient* pClient;
pClient->sendOptionsCommand(continueAfterOPTIONS, NULL);
Now I would like to make the continueAfterOPTIONS method a member function of a class. Usually I use boost::bind to do this:
pRtspClient>sendOptionsCommand(boost::bind(&RtspClientSessionManager::continueAfterOPTIONS, this), NULL);
resulting in
error C2664: 'RTSPClient::sendOptionsCommand' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'boost::_bi::bind_t<R,F,L>' to 'RTSPClient::responseHandler (__cdecl *)'
I tried adding in place holders for the arguments of the function and that made no difference. Is what I'm trying to do possible? Is there perhaps a way to cast the bind result?
Not out of the box. However, let me sketch how you could do it.
struct Foo : RTSPClient {
boost::function<void(int resultCode, char* resultString)> bound;
Foo(boost::function<void(int resultCode, char* resultString)> bound) : bound(bound) {}
// Need a static method to get a regaulr function pointer
static void CallBack(RTSPClient* _this, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
_this->CallBack(int resultCode, char* resultString
void CallBack(int resultCode, char* resultString) {
It's of course easier if you can derive your RtspClientSessionManager
from RtspClient