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pythondiscord.pyrolescsvreader Getting a bot to add role based on csv file

So I am new to Python,, and programming in general, but I am using Discord as a good opportunity to learn. So please excuse any illiteracy on my part.

I have assembled a bot from bits and pieces here and there on the Internet, and it’s working as intended. But I am now stumped when trying to add a specific function.

For context, the Discord server I am an admin of is a video game publishing server, so we use it for beta test and feedback collection. For an upcoming beta test, we would like to automatically add a "beta-test" role to a list of users (a .csv file), that will give them access to specific channels and commands.

The issue is with the file reading part. I can get the bot from opening the .csv file and printing or sending its content to a specific channel BUT it does not recognize any printed name as a server member.

So first, here is the code:


@bot.command(name='addrole', hidden=True)
async def add_beta_role(ctx, role='beta-test'):
    with open('./beta_list.csv', 'r+') as beta_role_file:
        for item in beta_role_file:

            guild = discord.utils.find(lambda g : == ctx.guild, bot.guilds)
            member = discord.utils.find(lambda m : == item, ctx.guild.members)

            if role is not None:
                if member is not None:
                    await member.add_roles()
                    print(f'{role} added to {member}')
                    print(f'Member not found.')
                print(f'Role not found.')

The .csv file that I use contains 4 lines, for 4 different users, with differently formatted names:

  1. Discord name + discriminator (eg: User#123, real user in the server)
  2. Discord name (eg: User, real username in the server)
  3. Non-existing user (to make sure the bot picks up an anomaly)
  4. Discord ID (eg: 123456789, real user ID in the server)

The output I have is:

Member not found.

Member not found.

Member not found.

Member not found.

I would like the bot to be able to find the server members based on the list of users in the .csv file, but it does not work. I have tried to modify the code so that the bot would first send the list to a Discord channel and then use the message content to find the Discord members, but I have had no better luck.

If anyone could point out how to do it or where the issue lies, I would be very grateful

edit: edited for clarity


  • You can't just iterate over a csv file to get the items. Python has a great built-in csv library to do that.

    import csv
    with open('./beta_list.csv', 'r+') as beta_role_file:
        reader = csv.reader(beta_role_file)
        for row in reader:

    Adapt this code with your csv file