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Replacing backslash in haskell

Hi I am trying to remove the substring "\r" by replacing it with an empty string in the following function:

clean :: String -> String
clean ('\\':'r':xs) = clean xs
clean (x:xs) = x : clean xs
clean "" = ""

But when I run it on a test input:

main = do
    print (clean "test line\r\nnew test")

it doesn't work and just outputs the same string as the input string. Now the weird thing is that if I replace the backslashes with any other character, for example ':' it works just fine:

clean :: String -> String
clean (':':'r':xs) = clean xs
clean (x:xs) = x : clean xs
clean "" = ""

main = do
    print (clean "test line:r\nnew test")

Which outputs "test line\nnew test" as intended. I suspect that I'm not escaping the double backslash correctly. For example the code:

main = do
    print '\\'

outputs '\\' instead of '\', but from what I've read this should be the proper way to escape it. I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, what am I missing?


  • \r is one character. It works when you handle it that way:

    clean :: String -> String
    clean ('\r':xs) = clean xs
    clean (x:xs) = x : clean xs
    clean "" = ""

    The backslash only needs to be escaped when you want to put an actual \ into the String literal.