I have this code, I need to append the values to the columns in my google sheet and the values should be added at the end of the sheet in a new row without deleting existing datas
all_values = worksheet.get_all_values()
row_count = len(all_values)
sheet_range = "'{}'!{row}:{row}".format(worksheet.title, row=row_count+1+insert_count)
values = {
"Name": "Ford",
"Age": "34",
"Color": 'Blue'
worksheet.append_row(sheet_range, values)
I figured it out, it's actually quite simple.
body=[0, 4, 9,7,5] #the values should be a list
worksheet.append_row(body, table_range="A1:E1")
#table_range should be range of columns in the sheet, example from A1 to E1 (A1:E1)
other parameters are optional.
this will append the values in body to the last row in the sheet and it will not overwrite existing data.