I want to add a new field called status to the select query, where the condition of the field is the result of a select query using a case / if statement.
This is my table now:
fullname | is_active |
Mr. X | false |
Mr. Z | true |
the expectations I want after the query:
fullname | is_active | status |
Mr. X | false | Yes |
Mr. Z | true | No |
This is my code, but still displays an error:
Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column "0" does not exist LINE 2: WHEN app.is_active = "0" THEN "Yes"
$data = DB::table('my_table as app')
WHEN app.is_active = "0" THEN "Yes"
END) AS status'))
Thakns a lot.
Try using single quotes for MySQL string literals:
$data = DB::table('my_table as app')
->select('fullname', 'is_active',
DB::raw("CASE app.is_active WHEN '0' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS status"))
If the above fixes your problem, then I would actually be a bit surprised, because MySQL usually will accept double quotes for string literals. The error message you see implies that "0"
is being interpreted as a column name instead.