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How to perform Many to Many Relationship Filter Query

I want to perform a query in MySQL based on a filter. First of all, the two tables that will be used in the query are the following:


Field Type
Id PK, Integer
Name Varchar(50)


Field Type
Id PK, Integer
Name Varchar(50)

The relationship between the two tables is Many-to-Many, so there is a pivot table.

The filter is as follows, you have an array of recipe id, for example:

recipeIds = [1,2,3]

The current data:


Id Name
100 A
101 B
102 C
103 D
104 E
105 F


Id Name
1 Recipe 1
2 Recipe 2
3 Recipe 3
4 Recipe 4
7 Recipe 7
8 Recipe 8
9 Recipe 9

Pivot Table:

EquipmentId RecipeId
100 1
100 4
101 1
101 2
103 9
103 7
104 1
104 2
104 3
105 1
105 2
105 3
105 8

Then the query should return the equipment that is present (or owns) to the recipes mentioned in recipeIds:

Query Result (Equipments):

Id Name
104 E
105 F

The other equipments should not appear, here the reasons:

Equipment Reason
A Only recipe 1 is present, but not all 3 recipes mentioned
B Only recipe 1 and 2 is present, but not all 3 recipes mentioned
C Does not have any recipe
D Does not have any of the mentioned recipes

I don't know how to perform the query. I hope your help.


  • Try this query:

    SELECT P.EquipmentID, E.Name
    FROM Pivot P 
    JOIN Equipments E ON P.EquipmentID=E.Id
    WHERE E.RecipeId IN (1,2,3) 
    GROUP BY P.EquipmentID, E.Name
    HAVING COUNT(*)=3;
    1. Join Pivot and Equipments table.
    2. Add condition WHERE E.RecipeId IN (1,2,3).
    3. Add GROUP BY P.EquipmentID, E.Name.
    4. Add HAVING COUNT(*)=3; for any group of P.EquipmentID, E.Name that occur 3 times; effectively matches your condition of "only EquipmentID that appear in Receipe 1,2,3".

    Here's a fiddle