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Is it possible to select a specific branch against which Dependabot should open PR's?

Like the title says, on GitHub is it possible to manually select a branch against which Dependabot should open its Pull Requests?

From what I can see, it opens PR against whichever branch is set to be the main one in the repo settings, but it is possible to select another one?


  • According to the documentation, this is possible with the option target-branch. For example, if you want to have the updates from the branch develop, you can write the following configuration for the python pip environment:

    version: 2
      - package-ecosystem: "pip"
        directory: "/"
          interval: "daily"
        # Raise pull requests for version updates
        # to pip against the `develop` branch
        target-branch: "develop"
        # Labels on pull requests for version updates only
          - "pip dependencies"