System uses dom parser in python 2.7.2. The goal is to extract the .db file and use it on sql server.I currently have no problem with sqlite3 library. I have read the similar questions/answers about how to handle a missing element while parsing xml files.But still I couldn't figure out the solution. xml has 15000+ elements. here is the basic code from xml:
Like the 3rd element, several elements do not have the node. That causes inconsistency on element numbers. i.e.
from xml.dom import minidom
xmldoc = minidom.parse('c:\vlan.xml')
vlId = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('id')
vlValue = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('nodeValue')
vlName = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('vlanName')
after running the module:
IndexError: list index out of range
>>> len(id)
>>> len(vlanName)
Because of this problem , problem occurs for ordering the elements. while printing the table , parser passes the missing elements and element orders are mixed up. I use a simple while loop to insert the values into the table.
while x < (len(vlId)):
c.execute('''insert into vlan ('id','nodeValue','vlanName') values ('%s','%s','%s') ''' %(id[x].firstChild.nodeValue, nodeValue[x].firstChild.nodeValue, vlanName[x].firstChild.nodeValue))
x= x+1
How else can I do this? Any help will be appreciated.
Instead of parsing the entire xml and then inserting, parse each vlancard the retrieve it's id/value/name and then insert them into the DB.