new to .net programming. I'm using Visual Studios 2017, programming in, with a MVC setup (whatever that means), and html web page using Razor - i hope that's enough info for you. I'm updating someone else's code, so this is not being written from scratch. I'm trying to add a dynamic Grid (looks like an excel spreadsheet) on a Create screen where the first row/column item is a dropdownlist and the other columns in the row are the fields from a database table (sql server 2017 v18). The http:Get Create function in the Controller already exists to display the fields for the user to enter stuff (except for the grid) and the http:Post Create exists to put the data into the database. I figured out how to put a partial view on the screen so that it displays the dropdown box and (supposedly) the fields from the database table that I want to display. I doubt I got the grid right, but I do know that every time i select an item from the dropdown box, it automatically goes to the http:Post Create and not to the function I want it to go to so that I can get the data from the table to display the items I want. I've searched all over the web for an answer, but the only things i can find are Web Screens or C#/HTML coding for just a dropdownlist or just a button; nobody is connecting stuff like this program is.
I've searched the Beginform, the Partial, the Controller, the viewbag, the Model, the ViewModel, the overloads... you name it... I've looked it up. The documentation from Microsoft defines a term by using the word being defined in the definition, so that doesn't help me understand how to connect the objects together to do what I want.
I looked for examples that look like what I am doing, but nobody seems to be doing what I am; everything I've found has either talked about each individual piece or a solution in a single application software.
Is it possible that this platform does not support nesting one BeginForm inside another BeginForm? If this SHOULD work... I'm at a loss as to why it isn't working. ''''''''''''
Public Function Create(memId As Integer?) As ViewResult
''' HTTP:GET -- Appointment Create -
Dim mem As Member = db.Members.Find(memId)
ViewBag.MemID = memId
ViewBag.DiagCodes = PopulateDiagCodesDropDownList()
ViewBag.VADiagCdWebgrid = New DiagnosisCode
ViewBag.NewAppResult = New MemberAppointmentResult With {.ResultID = db.MemberAppointmentResults.Count + 1}
Return View()
End Function
''' HTTP:POST -- Appointment Create - Save button
Public Function Create(memId As Integer, <Bind(Exclude:="model.EventHistory,model.Hospital,model.MemberAppointmentResults,model.MtfReason,model.DiagnosisCode")> model As AddAppointmentViewModel, examType As Integer, Optional button As String = Nothing) As ActionResult
ViewBag.MemID = memId
ViewBag.DiagCodes = PopulateDiagCodesDropDownList()
Dim ev As New EventHistory With {
.MemberID = memId,
.EventDate = model.ScheduledVisitDate,
.EventLoggedBy = GetCurrentUserId(),
.EventSubcodeID = examType
Dim newAppt = New MemberAppointment
With newAppt
.EventHistory = ev
.MemberEventID = db.EventHistories.Count + 1
.ScheduledVisitDate = model.ScheduledVisitDate
.ScheduledVisitTime = model.ScheduledVisitTime
.HospitalID = model.HospitalID
.ActualVisitDate = model.ActualVisitDate
.ActualVisitTime = model.ActualVisitTime
.IsVisitCompleted = model.IsVisitCompleted
.CurrentDisabilityPercentage = model.CurrentDisabilityPercentage
.MtfReasonCodeID = model.MtfReasonCodeID
End With
If ModelState.IsValid Then
Dim apptID As Integer = newAppt.AppointmentID
**---this section is where the grid would be looped through to add the data to the table (i haven't gotten this far yet)**
Return RedirectToAction("Index", New With {.id = memId})
End If
Return View(model)
End Function
**---this function is the one I want the dropdown to go to when an Item is selected**
''' HTTP:Post -- Appointment Create. - Add Diagnosis code to the screen before saving the new appointment data
Public Function AddDiagCodeResult(DiagCodes As Integer, <Bind(Include:="ResultID")> result As MemberAppointmentResult) As ActionResult
'pass in the Diagcodes value that was selected and create a memory place holder that looks like the MemberAppointmentResults table
'make sure that the DiagCodes variable contains a value
If DiagCodes = 0 OrElse DiagCodes = Nothing Then
Return View() 'just go back to the view you were just on
End If
'Grab the diagnostic code record
Dim DiagCodeModel As IEnumerable(Of DiagnosisCode) = From s In db.DiagnosisCodes
Where s.VADiagnosisCode = DiagCodes
Order By s.VADiagnosticCodeID
Select s
ViewBag.VADiagCdWebgrid = DiagCodeModel.FirstOrDefault
'find the record in MemberAppointmentResults associated with the selected Diagnosis Code
Dim VADiag = ViewBag.VADiagCdWebgrid.Find(DiagCodes)
'Create a boolean to identify that the selected Diagnosis code is in the memberappointmentresults table
Dim diagCodeExists As Boolean = False
For Each VADiagCode As MemberAppointmentResult In VADiag.MemberAppointmentResults
'Identify that the selecte Diagnosis codes is already in the viewmodel
If VADiagCode.DiagnosisCode.VADiagnosisCode = DiagCodes Then
diagCodeExists = True
End If
'lets not add duplicate values if we can keep from it.
If diagCodeExists = False Then
'determine how many rows already exist and add another one
result.ResultID = VADiag.VADiagCdWebgrid.Count + 1
'save the selected Diagnosis Code
'result.VADiagnosticCodeID = DiagCodeModel.DiagnosticCode
'get the diagnosis code id from the diagnosis code table
result.VADiagnosticCodeID = db.DiagnosisCodes.Find(DiagCodes).VADiagnosticCodeID
'get the diagnosis code description from the diagnosis code table
'result.DiagnosticCodeDescription = db.DiagnosisCodes.Find(DiagCodes).DiagnosisCodeDescription
'if that worked, add the new row to the viewmodel
If ModelState.IsValid Then
End If
End If
ViewBag.NewAppResult = New MemberAppointmentResult With {.ResultID = db.MemberAppointmentResults.Count + 1}
Return View("Create", VADiag)
End Function
Private Function PopulateDiagCodesDropDownList() As SelectList
Dim diagCodesQuery = db.DiagnosisCodes.OrderBy(Function(d) d.VADiagnosisCode).Select(Function(d) New With {d.VADiagnosticCodeID, .VADiagnosisCode = d.VADiagnosisCode & " - " & d.DiagnosisCodeDescription}).ToList()
Return New SelectList(diagCodesQuery, "VADiagnosticCodeID", "VADiagnosisCode")
End Function
@Imports System.Web.Mvc.Html
@Imports PtdrWeb.CompleteValidationAndFormatting
@ModelType PtdrWeb.AddAppointmentViewModel
ViewData("Title") = "Create Member Appointment"
End Code
<div Class="row">
<div Class="three columns">
<strong>Create Member Appointment</strong>
<hr />
@Using Html.BeginForm("Create", "Appointment", New With {.memId = ViewBag.MemID}, FormMethod.Post, New With {.autocomplete = "off"})
**---all the other fields are listed here... this part actually works**
**---the next line activates a partial view (or screen)**
@<div Class="row">
@Html.Partial("AddDiagCdResult", ViewBag.NewAppResult)
@<hr />
End Using
@ModelType PtdrWeb.MemberAppointmentResult
@Using Html.BeginForm("AddDiagCodeResult", "Appointment")
@<div class="zebra_stripe_rows">
<h4>Diagnosis Codes:</h4>
<hr />
<div class="row">
<div class="five columns">
<strong>Select Diagnostic Codes</strong>
<div class="one column">
@Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.ResultID, htmlAttributes:=New With {.class = "control-label col-md-2"})
<div class="one column">
@Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.AppointmentID, htmlAttributes:=New With {.class = "control-label col-md-2"})
<div class="one column">
@Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.VADiagnosticCodeID, htmlAttributes:=New With {.class = "control-label col-md-2"})
<div class="one column">
@Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.DiagnosisCode.VADiagnosticCodeID, htmlAttributes:=New With {.class = "control-label col-md-2"})
<div class="two columns">
@Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.DiagnosisCode.VADiagnosisCode, htmlAttributes:=New With {.class = "control-label col-md-2"})
<div class="two columns">
@Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.DiagnosisCode.DiagnosisCodeDescription, htmlAttributes:=New With {.class = "control-label col-md-2"})
<div class="two columns"> </div>
**---this is where the grid should be displayed**
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="five columns">
**---this is the dropdownlist that I want to go to the AddDiagCodeResult function in the Appointment Controller when an Item in the dropdown is selected.**
@Html.DropDownList("DiagCodes", Nothing, New With {.onchange = "this.form.submit()", .style = "width:575px;"})
<div class="one column">
@Html.DisplayFor(Function(model) model.ResultID, New With {.htmlAttributes = New With {.class = "grid-item"}})
<div class="one column">
@Html.DisplayFor(Function(model) model.AppointmentID, New With {.htmlAttributes = New With {.class = "grid-item"}})
<div class="one column">
@Html.DisplayFor(Function(model) model.VADiagnosticCodeID, New With {.htmlAttributes = New With {.class = "grid-item"}})
<div class="one column">
@Html.DisplayFor(Function(model) model.DiagnosisCode.VADiagnosticCodeID, New With {.htmlAttributes = New With {.class = "grid-item"}})
<div class="two column">
@Html.DisplayFor(Function(model) model.DiagnosisCode.VADiagnosisCode, New With {.htmlAttributes = New With {.class = "grid-item"}})
<div class="two columns">
@Html.DisplayFor(Function(model) model.DiagnosisCode.DiagnosisCodeDescription, New With {.htmlAttributes = New With {.class = "grid-item"}})
<div class="two columns">
@Html.ActionLink("Remove", "DiagnosisCodeRemove", "Appointment", New With {.id = Model.ResultID}, New With {.class = "secondary button row"})
End Using
Public Class AddAppointmentViewModel
Public Property AppointmentID As Integer
Public Property MemberEventID As Integer
Public Property ScheduledVisitDate As Date
Public Property ScheduledVisitTime As TimeSpan?
Public Property HospitalID As Integer
Public Property ActualVisitDate As Date?
Public Property ActualVisitTime As TimeSpan?
Public Property ActualHospitalID As Integer?
Public Property IsVisitCompleted As Boolean
Public Property CurrentDisabilityPercentage As Byte?
Public Property MtfReasonCodeID As Integer
Public Overridable Property EventHistory As EventHistory
Public Overridable Property Hospital As Hospital
Public Overridable Property MemberAppointmentResults As ICollection(Of MemberAppointmentResult) = New HashSet(Of MemberAppointmentResult)
Public Overridable Property MtfReason As MtfReason
Public Property DiagCodes As Integer
Public Overridable Property VADiagCdWebgrid As ICollection(Of DiagnosisCode) = New HashSet(Of DiagnosisCode)
End Class
Partial Public Class DiagnosisCode
Public Property VADiagnosticCodeID As Integer
Public Property VADiagnosisCode As String
Public Property DiagnosisCodeDescription As String
Public Overridable Property MemberAppointmentResults As ICollection(Of MemberAppointmentResult) = New HashSet(Of MemberAppointmentResult)
End Class
Partial Public Class MemberAppointmentResult
Public Property ResultID As Integer
Public Property AppointmentID As Integer
Public Property VADiagnosticCodeID As Integer
Public Overridable Property DiagnosisCode As DiagnosisCode
Public Overridable Property MemberAppointment As MemberAppointment
End Class
Partial Public Class MemberAppointment
Public Property AppointmentID As Integer
Public Property MemberEventID As Integer
Public Property ScheduledVisitDate As Date
Public Property ScheduledVisitTime As Nullable(Of System.TimeSpan)
Public Property HospitalID As Integer
Public Property ActualVisitDate As Nullable(Of Date)
Public Property ActualVisitTime As Nullable(Of System.TimeSpan)
Public Property ActualHospitalID As Nullable(Of Integer)
Public Property IsVisitCompleted As Boolean
Public Property CurrentDisabilityPercentage As Nullable(Of Byte)
Public Property MtfReasonCodeID As Integer
Public Overridable Property EventHistory As EventHistory
Public Overridable Property Hospital As Hospital
Public Overridable Property MemberAppointmentResults As ICollection(Of MemberAppointmentResult) = New HashSet(Of MemberAppointmentResult)
Public Overridable Property MtfReason As MtfReason
End Class
Another way to do this is to have multiple Using/End Using statements to cover the different sections that need to activate different controller methods. You wouldn't have to have to activate an Html.Partial statement, all the code could be in the one View file.