I wrote a code for detecting cycle in graph.
The input is given such that there can be several lines with each line of form a # b .
It denotes that there is an edge from a to b.
My code worked and then I played with it a bit and came across a problem with line a and line c and with line b and line d.
When I combine line a and line c and write the declaration and instantiation together as "ArrayList[]" arr=new ArrayList[99999] , similarly line b and line d,then everything is working fine(Assuming I make appropriate changes like passing arr and visited as arguments between DFS and DFSvisit).
But If I write it as I have written below then I am getting Null pointer exception. What is the reason for this?
class Test {
ArrayList<Integer>[] arr; // line a
boolean[] visited; // line b
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
Test obj=new Test();
public void DFS() {
arr=new ArrayList[99999]; // line c
visited=new boolean[99999]; // line d
for(int i=0;i<99999;i++) {
arr[i]=new ArrayList<>(); //instantiate each element of "array of Arraylists"
boolean[] flag=new boolean[99999]; //a flag array to identify which elements of array are valid elements
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
while(sc.hasNext()) {
int a=sc.nextInt(); //take first number
sc.next(); //throw away "#" token
int b=sc.nextInt(); //take second number
flag[a]=true; //means arr[a] is valid
arr[a].add(b); //add b to adjaceny list of arr[a]
Test obj=new Test();
for(int i=0;i<99999 ;i++) {
if (flag[i]) { //call DFSvisit only if arr[i] is valid
System.out.println("Cycle does not exist");
void DFSvisit(int i) { // basic DFS implementation
visited[i] = true;
for (int j=0;j<arr[i].size();) {
if (visited[arr[i].get(j)]==true) {
System.out.println("Cycle exists");
} else {
visited[i] = false;
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at test.Test.DFSvisit(Test.java:59)
at test.Test.DFS(Test.java:49)
at test.Test.main(Test.java:18)
P.S. I know that If I try to use reference variable before it is initialised then I will get Null Pointer Exception. But here I am not able to see anywhere where that is happening. I have declared arr and visited as a member of class(outside every method). I am then initialising them after moving from main method to DFS method. In between I haven't tried to use either arr or visited but I am getting NPE anyway. Why is that?
You just got confused between two objects.
class Test {
ArrayList<Integer>[] arr;
boolean[] visited;
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
Test obj=new Test(); // here you create the first object. arr is null here
public void DFS() {
arr=new ArrayList[99999];
visited=new boolean[99999]; // here you initialize the fields of the first instance of the object
Test obj=new Test(); // here you create the second instance of the object. arr is null
for(int i=0;i<99999 ;i++) {
if (flag[i]) {
obj.DFSvisit(i); // here you call the method of the second object where arr is null. NPE
If you combine the lines, then the field initialization will happen during the object construction. That's why no NPE there.