I would like to compare two files to identified common translocations. However, these translocations don't have exactly the same coordinates between the files. So I want to see if the translocation occurs between the same pair of chromosomes (chr1, chr2) and if the coordinates overlap.
Here is an examples for two files:
chr1 min1 max1 chr2 min2 max2
1 111111 222222 2 333333 444444
2 777777 888888 3 555555 666666
15 10 100 15 2000 2100
17 500 530 18 700 750
20 123456 234567 20 345678 456789
chr1 min1 max1 chr2 min2 max2
1 100000 200000 2 400000 500000
2 800000 900000 3 500000 600000
15 200 300 15 2000 3000
20 150000 200000 20 300000 500000
The objective is that the pair chr1 and chr2 is the same between file 1 and file 2. Then the coordinates min1 and max1 must overlap between the two files. Same thing for min2 and max2.
For the result, perhaps the best solution is to print the two lines as follows:
1 111111 222222 2 333333 444444
1 100000 200000 2 400000 500000
2 777777 888888 3 555555 666666
2 800000 900000 3 500000 600000
20 123456 234567 20 345678 456789
20 150000 200000 20 300000 500000
(For this simplified example, I tried to represent the different types of overlap I could encounter. I hope it is clear enough).
Thank you for your help.
to the rescue!
$ awk 'function overlap(x1,y1,x2,y2) {return y1>x2 && y2>x1}
{k=$1 FS $4}
NR==FNR {r[k]=$0; c1min[k]=$2; c1max[k]=$3; c2min[k]=$5; c2max[k]=$6; next}
overlap(c1min[k],c1max[k],$2,$3) &&
overlap(c2min[k],c2max[k],$5,$6) {print r[k] ORS $0 ORS}' file1 file2
1 111111 222222 2 333333 444444
1 100000 200000 2 400000 500000
2 777777 888888 3 555555 666666
2 800000 900000 3 500000 600000
20 123456 234567 20 345678 456789
20 150000 200000 20 300000 500000
assumes the first file can be held in memory and prints an extra empty line at the end.