I am working with Gatling and have received this error which occurs claiming 'notStartedRefIds' is defined. I am new to Gatling and am confident that the value has been declared properly already, however I cannot see why it is not being recognised.
The code which contains reference to the value is below:
case object StudentAssignmentScenario {
private val notStartedRefIdsSession = "notStartedRefIds"
private val studentAssignmentRefIdSession = "studentAssignmentRefId"
private val endpoint: String = environmentAssignmentsUrls + "/v2/studentAssignments"
private val startAssignment = http("Start StudentAssignment")
.put(endpoint + "/${studentAssignmentRefId}/start")
private val submitAssignment = http("Submit StudentAssignment")
.put(endpoint + "/${studentAssignmentRefId}/submit")
private val startAndSubmitAssignments = exec { session =>
val refId = session(notStartedRefIdsSession).as[Seq[String]].apply(0)
session.set(studentAssignmentRefIdSession, refId)
private val startAssignments = exec { session =>
val refId = session(notStartedRefIdsSession).as[Seq[String]].apply(1)
session.set(studentAssignmentRefIdSession, refId)
def readStudentAssignments = exec(http("Get Not Started StudentAssignments")
.queryParamMap(Map[String, String]("inclExpired" -> "true",
"context" -> "basel",
"sort" -> "dueDate,title",
"limit" -> "25", "offset" -> "0",
"status" -> "NOT_STARTED"))
// save refIds
jsonPath("$.items[?(@.status == 'NOT_STARTED')].refId").findAll.optional.saveAs("notStartedRefIds")))
private val studentAssignmentWorkflow = exec(startAndSubmitAssignments)
val studentAssignmentWorkflowSetup: ChainBuilder = exitBlockOnFail(
group("Student Assignment Workflow") {
The only place you seem to be populating notStartedRefIds
is in readStudentAssignments
where you extract it from the response thanks to a jsonPath
However, you've configured this check as optional
meaning you expect it to sometimes not be here. If that's the case, it's not surprise it can be undefined when calling session(notStartedRefIdsSession)