The purpose here is to:
The Modelica.Utilities.Streams.writeRealMatrix
utility is what came to my mind at first, but I cannot make the append
argument to work properly.
Here is what I tried:
model WriteRealMatrixToFileTest
discrete Boolean success;
discrete Real time_pre(start=0, fixed=true);
when sample(0,0.1) then
success = Modelica.Utilities.Streams.writeRealMatrix("OutMat.mat", "OutMat", {{time, sin(time)}}, append=true, format="4");
Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Printing status at time " + String(time) + ": " + String(success));
time_pre = time;
end when;
end WriteRealMatrixToFileTest;
but, even though it always return succesfull and even if the command is correctly called at every 0.1s, in the MAT file I just find the very last value (e.g. {10, -0.544} if stopTime=10).
One option would be to reading back the MAT file, append the new set of values to the matrix, re-write them back again, but it sounds really ugly to me. Are there other ways? Since I cannot declare a dynamic-size matrix I cannot think of other options.
The append argument works, but it does not behave like you expect. writeRealMatrix
appends variables to the given .mat
file, but it does not append values to an existing matrix inside this file. If a variable with this name exists, it is overwritten.
And idea would be to:
file via Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print
, which automatically appends to existing files.txt
content and store it with writeRealMatrix
as .mat
file inside a when terminal()
sectionMaybe like this:
model WriteRealMatrixToFileTest
import Modelica.Utilities.Streams;
import Modelica.Utilities.Strings;
Boolean success(start=false);
parameter String tmpFile = "OutMat.txt";
parameter String outFile = "OutMat.mat";
function txt2mat "Convert txt file to mat file"
input String inFile;
input String outFile;
output Boolean success;
String[:] lines;
Integer nlines;
Real t[:], v[:];
Integer pos "Start position of value at current line";
lines :=Streams.readFile(inFile);
nlines :=size(lines, 1);
t :=fill(0, nlines); // we have to initialize t and v with the correct size
v :=fill(0, nlines); // so we can later use t[i] and v[i]
for i in 1:nlines loop
t[i] :=Strings.scanReal(lines[i], 1);
pos :=Strings.find(lines[i], ";")+1; // get delimiter position to scan v
v[i] :=Strings.scanReal(lines[i], pos);
end for;
success :=Streams.writeRealMatrix(outFile,"OutMat",{t,v},format="4");
end txt2mat;
when initial() then
end when;
when sample(0,0.1) then
Streams.print(String(time)+";"+String(sin(time)), fileName=tmpFile);
end when;
when terminal() then
success = txt2mat(tmpFile, outFile);
end when;
end WriteRealMatrixToFileTest;