I'm using Phaser to create an online comic. One functionality I want to have is the option to zoom into images, for the sake of legibility on small screens.
I'm using the following on a container holding the image.
container.scale = 1;
this.input.on('wheel', function (pointer, gameObjects, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ) {
var x = deltaY * 0.002;
container.scale += x;
So far so good, the image zooms.
I want to set a minimum zoom level of 1 and a maximum zoom level of 1.5.
I thought this modification to the code would do it:
container.scale = 1;
this.input.on('wheel', function (pointer, gameObjects, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ) {
var x = deltaY * 0.002;
function between(x, min, max) {
return x >= min && x <= max;
if (between(x, 1, 1.5)) {
container.scale += x;
console.log(x, container.scale);
But the code won't fire at all. I've tried variations and gotten nowhere - can anyone help with this?
You're comparing the set amount the wheel is actually spinning versus that range, which is why it'll never fire. On my end your x value will be either 0.24 (down-spin) or -0.24 (up-spin) depending on the wheel spin direction.
This is closer to what you might want to be achieving:
if((x < 0 && container.scale + x >= 1) || (x > 0 && container.scale + x <= 1.5)) {
container.scale += x;