I'm playing around with the unmanaged Profiling interfaces for the CLR.
When running with a netcoreapp3.1 or net5.0 console application, in ICorProfilerCallback::JITCompilationStarted
or in ICorProfilerCallback::ModuleLoadFinished
, any call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineUserString
to store a string literal in the console app module and return an mdString
token, returns a HRESULT of -2147024882 (0x8007000E E_OUTOFMEMORY). The call returns this same HRESULT no matter what values are passed to IMetaDataEmit::DefineUserString
The .NET application is super simple
using System;
namespace dotnetapp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
static void WriteEnvironmentVariable(string name)
var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name);
Console.WriteLine($"{name} = {value}");
and is built and run with
dotnet build -c Debug dotnetapp.csproj
dotnet bin/Debug/net5.0/dotnetapp.dll
With the relevant Core CLR profiling environment variables set when running the application
The profiler is written in Rust using com-rs, and the call to IMetaDataEmit::DefineUserString
is defined as
impl IMetaDataEmit {
pub fn define_user_string(&self, str: &str) -> Result<mdString, HRESULT> {
let mut md_string = mdStringNil;
let mut wide_string = U16CString::from_str(str).unwrap();
let len = wide_string.len() as ULONG;
let ptr = wide_string.as_ptr();
let hr = unsafe { self.DefineUserString(ptr, len, &mut md_string) };
if FAILED(hr) {
log::error!("define user string '{}' failed. HRESULT: {} {:X}", str, hr, hr);
return Err(hr);
log::trace!("md_string token {}", md_string);
where the unsafe call is to comr-rs generated function
com::interfaces! {
pub unsafe interface IMetaDataEmit: IUnknown {
// functions ordered by IMetaDataEmit layout
fn DefineUserString(&self,
szString: LPCWSTR,
cchString: ULONG,
pstk: *mut mdString,
I'm using U16CString
to create a *const u16
pointer in other places in the profiler to pass LPCWSTR
to interface functions, such as IMetaDataImport::EnumMethodsWithName
, so I don't think this is an issue, but thought I'd mention it.
The log for the failed call is
TRACE [imetadata_emit] wide_string UCString { inner: [71, 111, 111, 100, 98, 121, 101, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33, 0] }, len 14
ERROR [imetadata_emit] define user string 'Goodbye World!' failed. HRESULT: -2147024882 8007000E
where UCString.inner
is the Vec<u16>
to which a pointer is passed to IMetaDataEmit::DefineUserString
is retrieved from the stored ICorProfilerInfo
passed to the profiler on initialize using ICorProfilerInfo::GetModuleMetaData
, using the CorOpenFlags
and ofWrite
impl ICorProfilerInfo {
pub fn get_module_metadata<I: Interface>(
module_id: ModuleID,
open_flags: CorOpenFlags,
) -> Result<I, HRESULT> {
let mut unknown = None;
let hr = unsafe {
self.GetModuleMetaData(module_id, open_flags.bits(), &I::IID as REFIID, &mut unknown as *mut _ as *mut *mut IUnknown)
if FAILED(hr) {
log::error!("error fetching metadata for module_id {}, HRESULT: {:X}", module_id, hr);
return Err(hr);
where GetModuleMetaData
is defined on the ICorProfilerInfo
generated with com::interfaces!
com::interfaces! {
pub unsafe interface ICorProfilerInfo: IUnknown {
// functions ordered by ICorProfilerInfo layout
fn GetModuleMetaData(&self,
moduleId: ModuleID,
dwOpenFlags: DWORD,
riid: REFIID,
ppOut: *mut *mut IUnknown,
It seems like I'm missing something in Rust somewhere. Retrieving data from ICorProfilerInfo
, IMetaDataImport
, IMetaDataImport2
work, as does getting and modifying IL function bodies (changing existing instructions). A thought I had is whether IMetaDataEmit
might need to be mutable, but I don't think that needs to be the case, as changes to metadata occur on the C++ runtime side of the FFI boundary.
I put together a simple C++ profiler that calls IMetaDataEmit::DefineUserString
in ICorProfilerCallback::ModuleLoadFinished
and that works as expected on the sample .NET application, so this indicates that the issue is in the Rust code somewhere.
Looking through the runtime code, I think RegMeta::DefineUserString
is the implementation of DefineUserString
and tracing the code paths, I think the E_OUTOFMEMORY
is coming from StgBlobPool::AddBlob
The issue was (apparently) due to an incorrect definition of the IMetaDataEmit
Whatever the target language is, a COM interface definition must match the original binary layout exactly: all methods in same order (don't trust MSDN visual order on this), starting with derived interfaces methods (IUnknown, etc.), and exact binary-compatible signature for each method.