In the Sketch example, in -[<NSCopying> copyWithZone:]
is not checked if -[<NSObject> init]
returns nil
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
SKTGraphic *copy = [[[self class] alloc] init];
copy->_bounds = _bounds;
copy->_isDrawingFill = _isDrawingFill;
copy->_fillColor = [_fillColor copy];
copy->_isDrawingStroke = _isDrawingStroke;
copy->_strokeColor = [_strokeColor copy];
copy->_strokeWidth = _strokeWidth;
return copy;
This means that there will be a null dereference at runtime if it does return nil
(i.e. a bug).
Is it usual that in -[<NSCopying> copyWithZone:]
the program does not check if -[<NSObject> init]
returns nil
? Should I also do this not? I though of this:
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
SKTGraphic *copy = [[[self class] alloc] init];
if (copy) {
copy->_bounds = _bounds;
copy->_isDrawingFill = _isDrawingFill;
copy->_fillColor = [_fillColor copy];
copy->_isDrawingStroke = _isDrawingStroke;
copy->_strokeColor = [_strokeColor copy];
copy->_strokeWidth = _strokeWidth;
return copy;
I would have to agree and say it should be checking for nil since the copy is accessing instant variables directly which will result in a crash if the copy is nil. If it were just accessing properties and methods that would not be an issue.