I create a dictionary with shapes from a shapefile like that
sfWholeStreets = shapefile.Reader(inputFilename)
shapesWholeStreets = sfWholeStreets.shapes()
recordsWholeStreets = sfWholeStreets.records()
recordIndex = 0
for record in recordsWholeStreets:
streetName = record[1]
featureWholeStreet = sfWholeStreets.shapeRecords()[recordIndex].shape.__geo_interface__
linestringShapeWholeStreets = shapely.geometry.shape(feature)
if streetName in streetDictionary:
streetDictionary[streetName] = [record]
streetShapeDictionaryWholeStreets[streetName] = [linestringShapeWholeStreets]
recordIndex = recordIndex + 1
Then when I try to save the shape to a new shapefile like below, I get the TypeError at w.line()
for record in recordsWholeStreets:
The error is:
File "C:/dev/PycharmProjects/myProjectt/main.py", line 429, in <module>
File "C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python37\lib\site-packages\shapefile.py", line 1977, in line
self._shapeparts(parts=lines, shapeType=shapeType)
File "C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python37\lib\site-packages\shapefile.py", line 2066, in _shapeparts
for point in part:
TypeError: 'LineString' object is not iterable
The issue was that the line method requires list of points which I overlooked in the documentation and instead tried to provide the ready LineString object