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How to make Set using spring-data-aerospike


  • spring-boot v2.0.4 RELEASE
  • spring-data-aerospike v2.0.1.RELEASE
  • java - 8

Here are my application code and properties.


// aerospike configuration class
@EnableAerospikeRepositories(basePackageClassses = TestAeroRepository.class)
public class AerospikeConfiguration extends AbstractAerospikeDataConfiguration {
  private final AerospikeConfigurationProperties aerospikeConfigurationProperties;

  protected Collection<Host> getHosts() {
      return Host.parseServiceHosts(aerospikeConfigurationProperties.getHosts());

  protected String nameSpace() {
    return aerospikeConfigurationProperties.getNamespace();

  public static class AerospikeConfigurationProperties {
     String hsots;

     String namespace;

# Entity class
@Builder(toBuilder = true)
public class testEntity() {
   int id;

   String name;

   String timestamp;

public interface TestAeroRepository extends AerospikeRepository<TestEntity, Integer> {

public interface TestAeroService {
  void save();

public class TestAeroServiceImpl implements TestAeroService {
  private final TestAeroRepository testAeroRepository;

  public void save(TestEntity entity) {;

I checked Aerospike client connection has no problem. But error is occurred when save() method is executed.


Have to make sets before execute the application?
I didn't make sets. Any problem with my code?


  • You’re using an old version of spring-data-aerospike (2.0.1.RELEASE was released on April 2019) is there any chance you can upgrade to the latest version? 2.4.2.RELEASE

    You can see how to setup a simple spring data aerospike application here:

    Please share the entire project’s code and the entire exception.

    I would look into:

    1. The configuration class (The Aerospike Beans creation).
    2. The content of the testEntity class - are you using @Id annotation on the primary key field?
    3. Extending the repository class with specifying the testEntity object (… extends AerospikeRepository<testEntity, Object> {) you can see an example in the link I added.