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How do I add a config value for ''

Ran in to a problem and had to uninstall/reinstall Eclipse (Neon). Having trouble getting connected back to git with the IDE, so I went to the Git Bash command line.

When trying to commit to my local repo, I typed:

git commit -m "Added files after reconnected to source control"

This returns:

Error: error getting git config for ''
Caused by: config value '' was not found; class=Config (7); code=NotFound (-3)

This sounds like I'm missing an entry in my config file for '', but I can find no example of how at add this to my config. I've reviewed all the 'related' questions but can't find a solution.

Thanks for any guidance, I'm a git novice.


  • Check your .bashrc for any alias git=git-together, as seen in this question.

    That is also why git-together has issue 44

    A paper cut felt among engineers relates to the practice of aliasing git with git-together and interacting with repositories that have opted out of git together config.

    The UX looks a bit like this at the moment:

    git commit -m "making changes"
    Error: error getting git config for ''
    Caused by: config value '' was not found; class=Config (7); >code=NotFound (-3)

    which causes friction and friction is a turn off for wider adoption.

    It would be great if instead this tool emitted a warning so that its visible that this repo a person is interacting with is not yet configured for git-together but allowed the git process to continue.

    The OP mentions not finding an alias though:

    After reinstalling Eclipse and getting it set up with Git, the problem went way.