Search code examples

Add article - problem with LOGO

I tried to add a article on a page but it is not validated by Google, maybe the problem is with the logo ?

<script type="application/ld+json">
     "@context": "",
     "@type": "Article",
     "author": "Organization",
     "name": "mywebsite",
     "headline": "Pericolosità - DEFINIZIONE",
     "image": [
     "datePublished": "2021-04-09T04:00:00+00:00",
     "dateModified": "2021-04-09T04:00:00+00:00",
     "mainEntityOfPage": "",
         "@type": "Organization",
         "url": "",
         "logo": {
             "@type": "imageObject",
             "url": ""


  • For the publisher, you specified the URL property for the logo:

         "@type": "Organization",
         "url": "",
         "logo": {
             "@type": "imageObject",
             "url": ""

    However, it requires the URL of the publisher's website but not the logo.

    In addition, the problem with a particular logo may be due to the wrong size or format, which you do not report. So check to see how your logo matches Google's Guidelines for Logo.