I have the following JSON file and was hoping someone could tell me how to simply access the nested "player_status" and "previous_teams" values using the JsonConvert.DeserializeObject() Method. Any references tot tutorials better than the outdated sites I have seen would be helpful too.
Thank you
Option 1 is to parse or query json. please see the official Querying JSON with LINQ or Querying JSON with SelectToken for Json.NET or JsonDocument.Parse for the new System.Text.Json serialiser.
If you want/need to use JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
then you will need to create a set of classes that represents your data.
public class League
public List<Team> Details { get; set;}
public class Team
public List<AboutPlayers> Players {get; set;}
public class AboutPlayers
public List<Capatin> Captains {get; set;}
public class Captain
public string Player_Status{get; set;}
public PlayerHistory Player_History {get; set;}