I'm trying to make an app that tracks viewer counts for a particular Twitch stream over time, eventually to display them real-time on a web page. However, the ruby gem I am using, twitch-api, only seems to update its view count approximately every 5 minutes. Twitch's main website updates this information consistently every 10-20 seconds.
Why is the API / gem refreshing so slowly, and alternatively, is there a way I can access the updating data directly from the website?
Here is my test Ruby code using the gem:
previous_view_count = 0
while true do
@twitch_client = Twitch::Client.new(
client_id: @client_id,
client_secret: @client_secret)
username = "ludwig"
twitch_id = @twitch_client.get_users({login: username}).data.first.id
stream_info = @twitch_client.get_streams({user_id: twitch_id}).data.first
if stream_info.viewer_count != previous_view_count then
puts("Data for Twitch streamer: " + username)
puts("Title: " + stream_info.title)
puts("View count: " + stream_info.viewer_count.to_s)
previous_view_count = stream_info.viewer_count
Seems like the Twitch API's viewer count only updates at a very slow interval. Your best bet would be to look into establishing a WebSocket connection with their pubsub endpoint. Although the viewer count is not explicitly on their documentation, tracing the websocket connection while watching a stream using your browser's developer tools, it seems like you can subscribe to the video-playback-by-id
topic and receive the viewcount every 30 seconds.
Here's a sample LISTEN payload:
Here's a sample MESSAGE response payload: