I have this documents at my DB
How can I query something like db.collection.agreggate(query) and get as answer an array like:
Have already tried agregation methods with $project but just could not find the kind of object I wanted
Demo - https://mongoplayground.net/p/v5My6yjrIC0
$replaceRoot: {
"newRoot": {
$arrayToObject: { // convert array to object
$map: { // loop over each item in an array and returns an array
"input": { $objectToArray: "$Month"}, // convert to array
"as": "el",
"in": { k: "$$el.k", v: { a: "$$el.v.a" } // shape the data
If you want everything inside Month check this demo - https://mongoplayground.net/p/lD0wPTc_W4Y
$replaceRoot: {
"newRoot": "$Month"