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Pyodide runPythonAsync to html document

I am trying to run a simple pyodide example, but am not too familiar with javascript or pyodide and am not sure why the output is undefined. The statement is executed fine as I can see the correct output in the console log, but I cannot assign the output to the document.

here is the code

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.languagePluginUrl = '';
    <script src=""></script>

  <p>You can execute any Python code. Just enter something in the box below and click the button.</p>
  <textarea id='code' style='width: 50%;' rows='10'>print('hello')</textarea>
  <button onclick='evaluatePython()'>Run</button>
  <textarea id='output' style='width: 50%;' rows='3' disabled></textarea>

    const output = document.getElementById("output");
    const code = document.getElementById("code");

    // show output
    function addToOutput(s) {
      output.value =  s;

    function evaluatePython() {
      let output = pyodide.runPythonAsync(code.value)
        .then(output => addToOutput(output))
        .catch((err) => { addToOutput(err)});


I was loosely following the alternative example from here --


  • Basically, you can implement your own function for printing. However, if you want to use exactly print you can override the function from JS.

    Update: Pyodide v0.21.0

    pyodide.globals.set('print', s => console.log(s))

    This will replace the python function print with the JS console.log

    const output = document.getElementById("output");
    const code = document.getElementById("code");
    async function evaluatePython() {
      // load imports if there are any
      await pyodide.loadPackagesFromImports(code.value)
    // show output
    function addToOutput(s) {
      output.value =  s;
    let pyodide;
    // init pyodide
    (async () => { // enable await
      pyodide = await loadPyodide();
      // override default print behavior
      pyodide.globals.set('print', s => console.log(s))
    })() // call the function immediately
    <script src=""></script>
    <p>You can execute any Python code. Just enter something in the box below and click the button.</p>
      <textarea id='code' style='width: 50%;' rows='10'>print('hello')</textarea>
      <button onclick='evaluatePython()'>Run</button>
      <textarea id='output' style='width: 50%; margin-bottom: 100px;' rows='3' disabled></textarea>

    More examples can be found here.

    Old answer (related to Pyodide v0.15.0)

      pyodide.globals.print = s => s

    which does nothing but returns the input parameter, since its output will then be written to the container (.then(output => addToOutput(output))). Of course, you can implement any custom behavior, such as writing the input to a container directly.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            window.languagePluginUrl = '';
        <script src=""></script>
      <p>You can execute any Python code. Just enter something in the box below and click the button.</p>
      <textarea id='code' style='width: 50%;' rows='10'>print('hello')</textarea>
      <button onclick='evaluatePython()'>Run</button>
      <textarea id='output' style='width: 50%;' rows='3' disabled></textarea>
        const output = document.getElementById("output");
        const code = document.getElementById("code");
        // show output
        function addToOutput(s) {
          output.value =  s;
        function evaluatePython() {
          let output = pyodide.runPythonAsync(code.value)
            .then(output => addToOutput(output))
            .catch((err) => { addToOutput(err)});
          // override default print behavior
          pyodide.globals.print = s => s