I'm using the ipyvuetfy
lib that create nice dashboarding element based ont he vuetify.js
lib and ipyvwidgets
I need to place a dialog in a specific position (on top of another element) like this menu placed on top of a select folder btn.
How can I access the the current position of a widget relative to the window ?
It is possible with Javascript code, by identifying the widget with a custom class and using the jQuery offset() method, and then setting the DOM Style top and left properties of the child (here a Card) of the ipyvuetify Dialog, with the style position
set as fixed
. I haven't found how to execute the JS code via the Dialog activator slot, so the Dialog widget is triggered via the click.stop
import ipyvuetify as v
import ipywidgets as w
from IPython.display import Javascript
out = w.Output(layout={'display': 'none'})
js = '''
var x = $(".myparentwidget").offset();
var d = document.getElementsByClassName("mydialog")[0];
d.style.top = x.top+"px";
d.style.left= x.left+"px";'''
def on_click(widget, event, data):
with out:
display(Javascript(js, lib="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"))
btn = v.Btn(
children=["Open dialog"],
btn.on_event("click.stop", on_click)
dialog = v.Dialog(
style_="position: fixed; width: 300px",
v.CardTitle(children=["Dialog window"]),
v.CardText(children=['Dialog text']),