say I have a test file with the following content:
def a():
print('this is a')
def b(x):
and also a main file:
import test
def try_cmd(cmd, params):
getattr(functions, cmd)(params)
except Exception as error:
while True:
cmd = input('Enter cmd')
params = input('Enter params')
do_command(cmd, params)
The purpose of the code should be to try to call a function from a different file, with the user giving the function name and if needed params for it to take. What happens is if the value of cmd is 'a' and parmas is a random string do_command will not work because function a doesn't take params. However if cmd will be 'b' and params will be say '5' it will work. How do I get around that without forcing a to take params and not actually using it.
As in my comment on your question, you should write your functions to accept *args
and **kwargs
, but if you insist on not using this convention, try this:
def try_cmd(cmd, params):
func = getattr(functions, cmd)
except TypeError:
except Exception as error:
In my opinion, accepting *args
and **kwargs
is the better practice compared to using exception handling to manage branching.