Currently I always write subgraphs/clusters like this:
subgraph "cluster_001" {
rank = TB;
style = "filled";
color = "#EEEEEE";
004[label = "{<1>if\(gt \> 0\)|<2>else if\(gt == 0\)|<3>else if\(gt \< 0\)}"];
005[label = "..."];
006[label = "..."];
007[label = "..."]
But I don't like this. I don't want to type first three lines for every subgraph/cluster. Is there a way to define subgraph/cluster styling just once? Like it is done for i.e. arrows:
fontname = "IBM Plex Mono Bold",
style = "dotted",
fontsize = 8,
arrowhead = normal,
arrowsize = 0.4,
penwidth = 0.1;
fontcolor = "#444444",
color = "#777777",
I define this once nad then every arrow is styled this way. This becomes the default.
I need something similar for clusters... How can it be done?
Much to my surprise, there is a built-in way. Put this before your cluster definitions:
graph[ rank = TB; style = "filled"; color = "#EEEEEE";]
Like so:
digraph d {
a -> b
graph[ rank = TB; style = "filled"; color = "#EEEEEE";]
subgraph cluster1 {
x1 ->x2->x3
subgraph cluster2 {
y1 ->y2->y3
subgraph cluster3 {
z1 ->z2->z3
{rank=same e->f}