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Get all 32 bits in an Integer into String format In Clojure

I need to get all 32 bits of an Integer in Clojure into String format.

Current: (Integer/toBinaryString 10) -> "1010"

Desired: (Integer/toBinaryString 10) -> "0000000000001010"

How can I do this easily and efficiently?


  • For unsigned integers, you could use clojure.pprint/cl-format directly. This example formats n as a binary string of at least 32 characters, left padded with 0 characters:

    (require '[clojure.pprint :as pp])
    (defn unsigned-binary-32 [n]
      (pp/cl-format nil "~32,'0B" n))

    For signed integers there is a little more required:

    (defn signed-binary-32 [n]
      (unsigned-binary-32 (bit-and n 0xffffffff)))