I have a command that sends text copypasta
example copypasta.json:
"xxx" : "xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx...",
"yyy" : "yyyyyy yyyy yyyyy yyyyy...",
"zzz" : "zzzzzz zzzz zzzzz zzzzz..."
Code to send the text:
json_file = 'copypasta.json'
with open(json_file) as json_data:
jsonLoad = json.load(json_data)
aliases = list(jsonLoad.keys())
@client.command(aliases=aliases) #problem is here
async def _copypasta(ctx):
keyCopypasta = ctx.invoked_with
valueCopypasta = jsonLoad[keyCopypasta]
await ctx.send(valueCopypasta)
If i send -xxx in Discord, the bots sends the value in json "xxxx xxx..."
So I made a command to add a new element in json:
async def addCopypasta(ctx, key, *, value):
a_dictionary = {key: value}
with open("copypasta.json", "r+") as file:
data = json.load(file)
json.dump(data, file)
await ctx.send("successfully added")
But when I send in Discord the key of the new element added, the bot does not find it, I need to restart the bot so that the command's "aliases" variable is updated.
Is it possible to update the command aliases without restarting the bot?
It is possible, simply remove the command, update the aliases and add the command again, a handy function would be:
def update_aliases(command, *aliases):
To use it:
async def foo(ctx):
await ctx.send(foo.aliases)
async def update(ctx, alias: str):
update_aliases(foo, alias) # I'm passing the function itself, not the name of the function
await ctx.send("Done")