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How do I save a string value on Substrate's smart contract platform, ink?

  1. I initially tried the implementation as taught in this question. (How can I save string value on Substrate)
  2. However, an error occurred in relation to "ink_abi" and the struct could not be defined.
  3. Looking at the latest "ink! example"(), I tried to copy it because the struct was defined, but the following command does not work. (
cargo +nightly generate-metadata
  1. How can I save the string data to the blockchain with "substrate ink!"?
  2. I would like to see a sample source if available.


  • Use ink_prelude::string::String

    #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
    use ink_lang as ink;
    mod foo {
        use ink_prelude::string::String;
        // ...

    And don't forget to add ink_prelude to your [dependencies] section in your .toml
