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flutter orderBy("time", "asc") not working

i am using nested stream and future to get 2 sets of data, but cannot sort the second set of data by time

Tried both but still not working.. why???

Error: Getter not found: 'Direction'.
                               .orderBy("time", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)

Error: Too many positional arguments: 1 allowed, but 2 found.
Try removing the extra positional arguments.
                               .orderBy("time", 'asc')

full code below:

return StreamBuilder(
      stream: A,
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        return snapshot.hasData
            ? ListView.builder(
                           future: FirebaseFirestore.instance
                           .collection("some path here")
                           .orderBy("time", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)

                           builder: (context, snapshot2) {
                           if (snapshot2.hasData) {
                                   if (!=null) {
                                   return DisplayTile(
                           return CircularProgressIndicator();
            : Container();


  • orderBy has 1 named parameter called descending of bool type to pass order.

    Example from docs:

      .orderBy('age', descending: true) // here